The Premodern Interpretational Approaches to Ethics and Reason in Qur’an and Its Interpretational Implications
Does the Qur’an advocate ethical subjectivism, ethical objectivism, or ethical voluntarism ? In other words does the Qur’an assume that what is right can always be known by revelation- independent reason alone ; what is right can be known in some cases by revelation- independent reason alone and in others by revelation and revelation- derived sources whereby both of these sources are complementary and in agreement, or in order to know what is right, humans must always rely only on revelation and revelation- derived sources and can never know what is right by independent reason. This leads us into the widely discussed theme in Islamic tradition of the nature of the relationship between reason and revelation (whose exact relationship is yet to be systematically arrived at. Elsewhere I demonstrated that the legitimacy and the place of reason in conceptualizing the nature and the interpretation of Qur’an and S...