Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Role of Religious Text Interpretation and Passive Fundamentalism in Shaping Worldviews: Exploring the Connection to Religious Violence


The Role of Religious Text Interpretation in Shaping Worldviews: Exploring the Connection to Religious Violence


Adis Duderija



The recent Sydney church stabbing has again propelled nation-wide  discussions surrounding the relationship between religion/Islam and violence. The relationship between religion and violence has been extensively studied by scholars, who have examined how certain interpretations of sacred texts can lead to worldviews that justify religiously motivated violence. In this essay I want to explore  how the work of  scholars R.W. Hood Jr., P.C. Hill, and W.P. Williamson on psychology of religious fundamentalism  and that of  Douglas Pratt ,who  has developed a nuanced model of how passive fundamentalism can morph into violent extremism, can help us understand this relationship in a nuanced and insightful manner.  


The Fundamentalist Paradigm

According to R.W. Hood Jr., P.C. Hill, and W.P. Williamson[1], fundamentalism can be understood in terms of   “communities of interpretation” that form around specific approaches to interpreting sacred texts. These communities are characterised by a deep commitment to the belief that the sacred text /set of texts  alone holds the key to interpreting the world and providing meaning to life. In the context of the Islamic tradition ( that I have expertise in)  Hood, Hill, and Williamson’s model is particularly relevant to jihadist Salafism and other puritanical and fundamentalist approaches to Islam  where certain  interpretations of the Qur’an, hadith, and broader Islamic interpretive tradition plays a central role.

Hood, Hill, and Williamson underscore the fact that , “Fundamentalism is a system of meaning rooted in the exclusive reliance on a religious text/s to interpret the world and give meaning to life”. [2]This reliance on a canonised texts as the ultimate sources of authority create a sense of certainty and absolutism among fundamentalists. Moreover, they view their interpretation of the text as the only valid one, rejecting alternative viewpoints and largely dismissing the possibility of multiple interpretations.

Intratextuality: The Principle of Fundamentalist Thought

The fundamentalist paradigm is based on the principle of intratextuality. Hood, Hill, and Williamson explain that intratextuality refers to the process of interpreting a sacred text /set of texts exclusively through a textualist approach. According to this principle, the text is considered to alone determines its own meaning and should be the sole point of reference for all thoughts and actions. This principle emphasises the self-sufficiency of the sacred text and the exclusive reliance on it for understanding the world.

By engaging in intratextuality, fundamentalists believe they can directly access the absolute truths contained within the text and construct their worldview based on these truths. Fundamentalists perceive the absolute truths contained within the sacred text as the ultimate authority and the basis for discerning right from wrong, good from evil. These truths are seen as immutable and unchanging, providing a sense of stability and certainty in an uncertain world. These truths are derived through the dialogic process of intratextuality and are not subject to criticism from outside of this principle by for example means of contextualisation. Fundamentalists construct their worldview based on these absolute truths, viewing the outside world exclusively through the lens provided by what they consider to be the meaning of  the sacred text. Any beliefs or interpretations that fall outside the realm of what they consider to be absolute truths are viewed with a lot of suspicion and are to be disregarded.

Moreover, Hood, Hill, and Williamson highlight that  fundamentalists reject the view that the sacred text is subject to interpretation by “fallible” humans, preferring instead to search for the true meaning through intratextual analysis/. This rejection of fallible human interpretations reflects the fundamentalists’ belief in the inherent holiness , purity, clarity and coherence of the sacred text. They place a premium on preserving the purity of the text’s  that is viewed as having a special, untainted metaphysical origin and  meaning and resist any external influences that may challenge or modify their understanding of it.


Passive Fundamentalism and Violent Extremism

Most forms of fundamentalism or those who adhere to them ,however, do not evolve into violence extremism but some do. Douglas  Pratt’s work on religious fundamentalism in Abrahamic religions delves into the concept of  “passive fundamentalisms” and its potential to contribute to violent extremism. Passive fundamentalism refers to non-violent forms of fundamentalist thought that exhibit rigid adherence to absolute truths but do not directly engage in violent acts. Pratt argues that this extreme belief system can create a breeding ground for violence, as it forms the foundation for more radical and extremist ideologies.

In this respect Pratt states, “What began with ‘normative’ absolutism, that form of religious believing and concept that holds rigidly to a set of assumptions, presuppositions and ideas as absolute truth, then may evolve or emerge through a process of hardening assertion to becoming, in extremis, an impositional form of religious ideology that is expressed in terms of terrorizing behaviours and acts of violence. Many examples across different religions, both historically and contemporaneously, could be adduced to make the point.”[3]

Through numerous case studies across different religions, Pratt demonstrates the  link between religious fundamentalism and violent behaviours becomes. Pratt’s  research ,therefore, shows that passive fundamentalism can act as a stepping stone towards violent extremism, as it provides a framework for radicalisation. The rigid belief system inherent in passive fundamentalism can, as such, contribute to the acceptance of violence as a justifiable means to achieve religious goals.

Pratt’s findings highlight the importance of recognizing the potential dangers of non-violent fundamentalism. While not directly engaging in violent acts, passive fundamentalists contribute to the broader ecosystem that supports and justifies violence. As Mark Juergensmeyer , a leading scholar of the relationship between violence and religion, aptly stated, “Religion often provides the mores and symbols that make possible bloodshed – even catastrophic acts of terrorism.”[4]  Understanding the mechanisms that drive individuals to move from passive fundamentalism to violent extremism is crucial for effective prevention and intervention strategies.



The relationship between religious text interpretation and the formation of worldviews is a critical factor to consider when studying religiously motivated violence. Hood, Hill, and Williamson's concept of communities of interpretation sheds light on the structure and processes that underlie fundamentalist thought. The principle of intratextuality, as explained by Hood, Hill, and Williamson, guides fundamentalists in deriving meaning nearly exclusively from the sacred text itself, shaping their worldview and providing a sense of certainty and absolutism.

Fundamentalists perceive the sacred text as a repository of absolute truths, which they believe should be the foundation for understanding and interpreting reality. This belief in objective truths and the rejection of alternative interpretations can lead to the construction of rigid belief systems that may justify or support violence. Pratt’s research on passive fundamentalism highlights the potential dangers of non-violent extremism, as it can provide a fertile ground for the acceptance of more radical and violent ideologies.


Understanding the complex dynamics between religious text interpretation, the construction of worldviews, and the justification of violence is crucial for addressing and mitigating religiously motivated violence. By delving into the nuances of religious text interpretation and its impact on belief systems, we can gain valuable insights into the factors that contribute to the manifestation of violence in the name of religion and hopefully used these insights to prevent the incidents like the Sydney church stabbing from occurring again.

[1] R.W. Hood ( jr.) ,P.C. Hill and  W.P.Williamson. The Psychology of Religious Fundamentalism, New York, Guilford Press, 2005. The books has received excellent reviews e.g. Sara B. Savage (2006)

REVIEW: "The Psychology of Religious Fundamentalism", The International Journal for the Psychology of

Religion, 16:3, 243-244.

[2] System of meaning is defined as “a group of beliefs or theories about reality that includes both a world theory

(beliefs about others and situations) and a self-theory (beliefs about the self), with connecting propositions

between the two sets of beliefs that are important in terms of overall functioning”, Wood, Hill and Williamson,

The Psychology of Religious Fundamentalism, p. 14

[3] D.Pratt, Religion and Extremism: Rejecting Diversity, London: Bloomsbury, 2017, p.47.

[4] Mark Juergensmeyer, Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence, 3rd  edition (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003), xi.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Nurturing Critical Parenting Skills in Religious Instruction: Safeguarding Our Children’s Future


 Nurturing Critical Parenting Skills in Religious Instruction: Safeguarding Our Children’s Future

Adis Duderija


As parents, we understand the importance of teaching our children about the dangers of drugs, smoking, and negative influences. However, we often overlook the significance of instilling critical thinking skills when it comes to religious instruction. In today’s world, where numerous misguided ideas are championed by those claiming to be the ultimate representatives of religion, it is crucial that we approach religious concepts with the same critical scrutiny we apply to other aspects of our children’s lives. By doing so, we can protect our children’s future well-being and preserve healthy family dynamics. In this short blogpost I want to emphasise the need for critical parenting skills in relation to religious instruction and its profound impact on our children’s lives.


Recognizing the Influence of Religious Ideas


Religious ideas hold immense powerand influence over individuals, shaping their beliefs, values, and behaviours. Consequently, it is vital for parents to be aware of the potential impact that religious instruction can have on their children’s lives. While religion can provide a moral compass and a sense of purpose, it can also be misused to promote harmful ideologies and perpetuate dogma.


In today’s interconnected world, children have access to a wide array of sources of religious information, both positive and negative. It is our responsibility as parents to guide them through this complex landscape and equip them with the necessary critical thinking skills to navigate religious ideas effectively.


The Need for Critical Parenting Skills


Just as we teach our children to question the validity of information they encounter in other areas of life, we must apply the same critical scrutiny to religious concepts. Critical parenting skills involve encouraging children to ask questions, engage in open-minded discussions, and develop an understanding of diverse perspectives. By fostering an environment that embraces critical thinking, we empower our children to make informed decisions and form their own beliefs based on rationality and evidence.


Promoting critical parenting skills in religious instruction allows children to differentiate between healthy religious teachings and harmful ideologies. It enables them to discern between authentic representatives of religion and those who may exploit it for personal gain or propagate extremist views. By teaching our children to critically evaluate religious ideas, we provide them with the tools to navigate the complexities of faith and protect themselves from potential harm.


Preserving Family Dynamics


Religious beliefs can profoundly impact family dynamics, often serving as a unifying force or a source of conflict. When parents approach religious instruction with critical parenting skills, they create an environment that fosters open dialogue and mutual respect. This approach allows children to explore their own beliefs while appreciating the perspectives of others within the family unit.


By encouraging critical thinking in religious instruction, we promote a healthy balance between personal faith and intellectual inquiry. This ensures that our children’s religious beliefs are rooted in understanding and introspection, rather than blind adherence or unquestioned conformity. Such an approach strengthens family bonds and encourages tolerance, empathy, and acceptance among family members with differing beliefs.


Navigating the Complexity of Religious Ideas


In today’s world, religious ideas are often misrepresented or distorted, leading to confusion and potential harm. Critical parenting skills equip children with the ability to discern between authentic religious teachings rooted in compassion and those promoting intolerance, discrimination, or violence. By fostering critical thinking, we empower our children to navigate the complexities of religious ideas and make choices that align with their own values and principles.


Teaching children to critically evaluate religious teachings also encourages them to engage with religious texts, traditions, and practices in a meaningful way. Rather than accepting religious ideas at face value, they are encouraged to explore the historical and cultural contexts, interpret symbolism, and consider the diverse interpretations within their own religious tradition. This enriches their understanding of religion and allows them to cultivate a nuanced and personal relationship with their faith.



As parents, we have a profound responsibility to guide our children through the complexities of life, including religious instruction. By nurturing critical parenting skills in relation to religious ideas, we safeguard our children’s future well-being and preserve healthy family dynamics. Just as we teach our children to critically evaluate information in other areas of life, we must approach religious concepts with the same level of critical scrutiny. By doing so, we empower our children to make informed decisions, navigate the complexities of faith, and protect themselves from potential harm. Let us prioritize the development of critical parenting skills in religious instruction, recognizing that our children’s lives and family dynamics depend on it.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Embracing Rationalism, Feminism, Sufism, and Process-Relational Theology: A Personal Journey


Embracing Rationalism, Feminism, Sufism, and Process-Relational Theology: A Personal Journey


 Adis Duderija 

In a world characterized by diverse philosophical and theological perspectives, I find myself embracing a unique blend of rationalism, feminism, Sufism, and process-relational theology. While these may seem like disparate strands of thought, they intertwine harmoniously in my worldview, shaping my understanding of the self, society, and spirituality. In this short piece  I will share my personal journey and shed light on the ways in which these philosophical and theological frameworks have enriched my life and perspectives.


Rationalism: Nurturing the Power of Reason


As a rationalist, I place great emphasis on the power of reason and critical thinking. Rationalism encourages us to question assumptions, challenge dogmas, and seek evidence-based knowledge. It empowers me to navigate the complexities of life with an open and skeptical mind, always striving for intellectual honesty and coherence. Rationalism provides a solid foundation for my philosophical and theological inquiries, enabling me to engage with ideas and beliefs in a thoughtful and analytical manner.


Feminism: Advocating for Equality and Justice


My commitment to feminism stems from a deep-seated belief in the inherent equality and dignity of all individuals, regardless of gender. Feminism challenges oppressive structures, stereotypes, and gender norms, advocating for equal opportunities and rights for all. It inspires me to actively work towards dismantling patriarchal systems and fostering inclusivity and justice in all spheres of life. Feminism informs my understanding of social dynamics, highlighting the importance of intersectionality and amplifying marginalized voices.


Sufism: Seeking Spiritual Wisdom and Unity


Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam, plays a significant role in shaping my spiritual journey. It emphasizes the inward search for divine knowledge and the cultivation of a personal relationship with the Divine. Sufism's teachings of love, compassion, and spiritual unity resonate deeply with me. It encourages me to embrace the beauty of diversity and seek harmony between the material and the spiritual realms. Sufism's emphasis on introspection, mindfulness, and the pursuit of inner peace provides a valuable compass for navigating life's challenges.


Process-Relational Theology: Embracing Dynamic and Interconnected Existence


Process-relational theology offers a framework that complements and enriches my philosophical and theological perspectives. It views reality as a dynamic and interdependent web of relationships. Instead of static entities, it understands the world in terms of evolving processes and interactions. Process-relational theology invites us to perceive God as an immanent and evolving presence, intimately engaged with the world. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the co-creative nature of existence, inspiring a sense of responsibility and care for the well-being of all.



While each of these frameworks brings its own unique insights and perspectives, I find that they synergize harmoniously in my worldview. Rationalism provides the tools to critically engage with ideas and beliefs, ensuring intellectual coherence. Feminism challenges me to dismantle oppressive structures and work towards a more just and inclusive society. Sufism offers spiritual guidance, fostering a deep sense of connection and unity with the Divine and all creation. Process-relational theology complements these perspectives by providing a framework that emphasizes the interconnectedness and dynamic nature of existence.



Embracing this multifaceted worldview has practical implications in my daily life. It informs the choices I make, the causes I support, and the relationships I cultivate. It encourages me to engage in meaningful dialogue and bridge gaps between diverse perspectives. It inspires me to seek justice and equality, championing the rights of the marginalized. It guides me towards nurturing empathy, compassion, and love in my interactions with others. This integrated worldview provides a sense of purpose and direction, enabling me to navigate the complexities of life with intentionality and authenticity.



My journey as a rationalist philosophical pro-feminist progressive Sufi and process-relational theologian has been a profound and enriching experience. This unique blend of perspectives has shaped my understanding of the self, society, and spirituality. Through rationalism, feminism, Sufism, and process-relational theology, I have found intellectual coherence, a commitment to justice and equality, spiritual solace, and a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of existence. It is through the integration and synthesis of these diverse frameworks that I continue to explore and navigate life's profound questions, seeking to contribute to a more inclusive, compassionate, and harmonious world.