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Showing posts from December, 2024

Unveiling the Shared Roots: Islamic State Gender Policies and the Ahl al-Hadith Manhaj

  Unveiling the Shared Roots: Islamic State  Gender Policies and the Ahl al-Hadith Manhaj based on the following academic article The Islamic State's brutal treatment of women has shocked the world. Forced veiling, severe restrictions on movement, and the revival of sexual slavery are just some of the policies that have sparked outrage. While traditional Sunni scholars have condemned IS practices, this essay argues that a closer look reveals alarming similarities in how both groups interpret Islamic texts, particularly those related to gender. The Open Letter to Baghdadi , signed by over 100 traditional Sunni scholars, seeks to delegitimize the IS by highlighting its "deviant methodology." They argue: IS issues fatwas without the necessary scholarly qualifications. IS oversimplifies Sharia and ignores established Islamic sciences. IS fails to consider modern realities when deriving rulings. However, the letter also reveals fundamental points of agreement betwee...